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Tuesday, March 17, 2009


As we know economy is getting tougher everyday. Most of us are trying everything to get more and more money. I thought some of these tips would be useful for you.

People don't believe how simple it is to accumulate a significant amount of wealth, but it really is quite easy. All you need is a bit of discipline and to know the three steps necessary anyone can take to grow a significant net worth. The steps are:

1. Spend less than you earn. This is THE key to getting rich. Said another way, save a portion of all you make.

To spend less than you earn, you may need to earn more or spend less.

2. Invest your savings regularly in good, solid investments. I like index funds.

3. Do this for a long time, letting the power of time and compounding work for you.

That's it.

Yes, it's that easy.

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